Welcome, my name is Dr. Oron Fiksel, PT. My approach is in empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. In my own personal, and clinical experiences, I’ve found that through education and guidance on critical health information & tools, many experience life changing health transformations. This methodology was developed by me as a patient, my clinical experience and it is based on scientific evidence. We begin Sunday, October 6th @8AM in Boca Raton, FL Cost is $440 total. Space is Limited and will sell out. Here's your 8-week Metabolic and Strength Intensive Group Journey: - 30-min pre-program Zoom session to review medical status, past medical history and goals that you want to achieve by the end of the program. - Seven onsite 50-min small group workout sessions that include mobility, strength and stability, endurance and breathwork with an emphasis on an optimal form. - We'll be combining techniques from the functional rehabilitation world as well as stressing your core muscles and neurological system. You'll use mostly your own body weight, resistance bands small hand weights. - Between each onsite exercise session, you'll receive an email with specific guidance on healthy lifestyle modifications and short exercises routine based on your goals and physical status. - Our final session will be a workshop to recap on healthy lifestyle fundamentals and leave you feeling empowered. For additional information, please do not hesitate to email me at oronsporpt@gmail.com
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app